Country of origin: Romania
Contact person: György and Anna Hatos
Beekeeping, a profession with deep historical roots, has become increasingly challenging in recent years due to climate change and economic shifts. In 2022, György and Anna Hatos, in collaboration with the Székelygazda organization, envisioned a way to showcase the exceptional quality of honey produced by Transylvanian farmers to consumers. This vision led to the creation of the Nektária honey competition, now in its third year. The competition is held in autumn to recognize and award the year’s freshest honey.
The Nektária honey competition is a travelling event, with its location changing annually based on agreements with the presidents of various beekeeping associations. The first competition was hosted in Székelyudvarhely, followed by Sepsiszentgyörgy, and this year (2024), Csíkszereda will serve as the host city.
Through this competition, consumers have the opportunity to connect with beekeepers and explore a variety of honey types. The honey entries are evaluated by a jury of 20 to 30 members based on taste, aroma, smell, colour and texture. A separate four-member jury assesses the design of the honey packaging. The top-rated honeys undergo further analysis in a laboratory to support the judges’ decisions, with qualifying honeys earning silver, gold, and champion awards.
The award-winning honeys are then showcased during honey days in various locations, including Gyergyószentmiklós, Székelyudvarhely, Csíkszereda, Nyárádszereda, and Sepsiszentgyörgy, allowing a broader audience to appreciate the remarkable quality of Transylvanian honey.