‘Four-handed beekeeping’
Country of origin: Hungary (Helvécia)
Contact person: Sárik Szilvia
E-mail: sarik.szilvia.313@gmail.com
Website: https://www.negykezes.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100080651522311
They make their speciality honeys from rape honey with their own development, unique recipes and graphics of their own design. The rape honey is blended with spices, herbs, super food plants or essential oils so that their health benefits are not simply added together, but multiplied. Their products are not only good, but also colourful-beautiful, including the harmony of unique labels.
Black honey specialties are made with anise, eucalyptus and Siberian pine extract.
Green honey specialities are made with sage, spearmint and wheatgrass.
Currently they have almost 20 honey-flavour specialities.
The basic problem is that consumers associate the consumption of honey with colds and frosts. But honey is excellent in all seasons. Honey specialities with fruit and plant ingredients are a delicacy that anyone would be happy to buy as a gift. The experience factor here is not only the rape honey, but also the colourful jars and the combination of exciting flavours. All of this in a quality product. the playfulness can also include taste tests of honey and herbs, finding the character-giving plant for the coloured honey and pairing it with other plants.
Source: https://www.negykezes.com/