Greenhill Garden and Apiary in Hosszúhetény

Greenhill Garden

Country of origin: Hungary

Contact person: Mihály Tiber and Csilla Mrs. Tiber

E-mail: tibermisi@,



If someone wants to experience how many creative ideas can be realised in an apiary, they should visit Hosszúhetény, at the bottom of Triple mountain, the garden and apiary called Green Hill. The owners are Mihály Tiber, a retired engineer and carpenter, and his wife, Csilla Tiberné Pap, is a kindergarten teacher. They have 35 years of beekeeping behind them. Mihály is skilled in metal and woodworking, toy and furniture making, and Csilla, as a developmental kindergarten teacher, is skilled in folk crafts: weaving, felting, making folk toys and stuffed dolls.

The atmosphere of the 4,000 m2 garden, its cottage, native protected plants, and the panorama of Triple mountain await the visitor. In the garden, you can learn about the life of bees, enjoy the taste of honey, experience the calming effect of bee buzzing, learn about different beekeeping products, so that the visitor is enriched with lasting experiences.

Beekeeping was present in the childhood years of both of them, connected to their grandparents and parents. However, the time to become a beekeeper came later.

Uncle Pista Rónai, a famous beekeeper educator and grandfather of their children, started them on this path. Mihály made a beehive for him. “If you can make a hive for me, why don’t you make one for yourself? – I put bees in it.” the old man gave the first push. They got a family, but not only from him. A beekeeper uncle was also a patron with another bee family.

Over the years, two became four, six, … finally 65 bee colonies. Mihály gradually developed the herd and simultaneously expanded his knowledge of the life of bees, beekeeping products, and the intricacies of beekeeping.

The basis of their creed as beekeepers is respect for nature. From the beginning, it was important to treat their bees gently and to ensure the high quality of the beekeeping products they produced for consumers.

If someone wants to experience how many creative ideas can be realised in an apiary, they should visit Hosszúhetény, at the bottom of Triple mountain, the garden and apiary called Green Hill. The owners are Mihály Tiber, a retired engineer and carpenter, and his wife, Csilla Tiberné Pap, is a kindergarten teacher. They have 35 years of beekeeping behind them. Mihály is skilled in metal and woodworking, toy and furniture making, and Csilla, as a developmental kindergarten teacher, is skilled in folk crafts: weaving, felting, making folk toys and stuffed dolls.

The atmosphere of the 4,000 m2 garden, its cottage, native protected plants, and the panorama of Triple mountain await the visitor. In the garden, you can learn about the life of bees, enjoy the taste of honey, experience the calming effect of bee buzzing, learn about different beekeeping products, so that the visitor is enriched with lasting experiences.

Beekeeping was present in the childhood years of both of them, connected to their grandparents and parents. However, the time to become a beekeeper came later.

Uncle Pista Rónai, a famous beekeeper educator and grandfather of their children, started them on this path. Mihály made a beehive for him. “If you can make a hive for me, why don’t you make one for yourself? – I put bees in it.” the old man gave the first push. They got a family, but not only from him. A beekeeper uncle was also a patron with another bee family.

Over the years, two became four, six, … finally 65 bee colonies. Mihály gradually developed the herd and simultaneously expanded his knowledge of the life of bees, beekeeping products, and the intricacies of beekeeping.

The basis of their creed as beekeepers is respect for nature. From the beginning, it was important to treat their bees gently and to ensure the high quality of the beekeeping products they produced for consumers.

They raised beehives, organic beekeeping, travelled, attended professional conferences and fairs, and continuously trained themselves. The time came when Mihály was already giving professional lectures to his beekeeping colleagues.

They are dedicated to promoting the importance of bees and the intrinsic value of beekeeping products as widely as possible. During introductions and games, they adapt flexibly to the guests’ interests. In addition to the professional, health-centred presentations, the connection between humans and bees was made more colourful by providing a literary experience through works of fiction.

In addition to their high-quality products, they were looking for a way to experientially present the occupations with bees, the diversity of honey, and beekeeping products.

Over the years, they have formulated the idea of ​​creating an experience estate. In 2013, they had an occasional opportunity to buy land and they bought a 4,000 m2 bushy, wild vineyard area. With a lot of work, they cleared out the thickets and wild vines, and with a lot of work, they created a wonderful garden, which was named Zöldhalom (Greenhill) in memory of grandpa’s former estate. The restored press house and cellar in the area are suitable for receiving guests, gatherings, and friendly conversations. Their inherited and collected old beekeeping tools represent museum value and invite visitors on a beekeeping historical time travel.

Zöldhalom became the field for testing their new ideas and games. They relocated their bees there and established a real beekeeping experience estate, which awaits visitors with lots of rare plants, flowers, games, beekeeping tools, relaxation opportunities and lots of playful ideas. Today’s 20-25 families of bees are excellent for presenting beekeeping and for insight into the life of bees.

Greenhill is a bee-friendly garden with native, protected plants, spaces inviting for rest and play (Csicsergő, Sompolygó, Csenderes…) where both adults and children can recharge their batteries. All senses are stimulated here. The garden awaits with colours and scents, the swing bench in the beehive lets you relax with bee humming, the inside of the hive is a realm of flavours and scents…At Greenhill, games, stories, and movement are the basis of imparting knowledge, this is what makes beekeeping exciting. The toolbox is extensive. In addition to traditional folk toys, Mihály’s wooden toys also encourage movement, cooperation, and the activation of the senses. They are convinced that activity, direct experience, direct conversation, and their own stories make the encounter personal and convey real value.Misi and Csilla’s knowledge acquired over decades and their playful practices became known in their narrow environment and in Baranya County as well. They are invited to perform and present in kindergartens and cultural centres. In the Pécs zoo they regularly holds classes on bees, pollinators, and beekeeping. Visitors are often welcomed in Greenhill, and they were able to turn the wonderful world of bees into an experience for many children and adults. Most of these programs were provided mostly for free and on a friendly basis. The interest in the sessions and the honorarium they received made them realise that they can also build a business from activities and knowledge that provInde experiences. The experience program designed by them is still lacking in the world and thinking of beekeepers. This will be introduced and promoted among consumers and visitors.


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